
Health benefits of custard apple

Custard apples are high in antioxidants and Vitamin C, which assist the body combat free radicals. It’s also high in potassium and magnesium, which help to keep our hearts healthy.

Custard apple is a blood pressure-lowering fruit. It is green in colour. Custard Apple includes a minor quantity of a poisonous chemical that is found in the skin and seeds of the fruit. So, before eating the fruit, peel off the skin and remove the seeds.

Custard apple is a delicious fruit that many people enjoy eating. It’s also used to produce a delicious and creamy dessert, and it’s a seasonal fruit, and we’ve all been told to eat seasonal fruits and vegetables by our elders. The health benefits of the custard apple are numerous.

  • It contains antioxidants such as vitamin C, which aids in the battle against free radicals.
  • Magnesium and potassium protect the heart from heart disease.
  • Controls blood pressure well.
  • It’s good for your skin and your hair.
  • It helps with muscle weakness.
  • Assist in maintaining a healthy water balance in our bodies.
  • Because it contains calories, it can be added to a regular diet to help you lose weight. Calories that are also nutrient-dense.
  • Because custard apples contain natural sugar, they make excellent healthy snacks and even desserts!

custard apple vitamin and mineral content.

Nutrition of 160-grams
Calories: 120 K
Protein: 2.51 grams
Carbohydrate: 28.34 grams
Calcium: 16 mg
Iron: 0.43 mg
Magnesium: 27 mg
Phosphorus: 42 mg
Potassium: 459 mg
Zinc: 0.26 mg

Custard apples are high in healthy calories. It is preferable to include custard apple in your normal diet.

Custard apple protein is beneficial to hair and skin health. It is beneficial to your blood sugar levels.

Custard apple carbohydrate makes you feel energised and puts you in a better mood.
It promotes better sleep and fills your body with fibre.
It helps to avoid blood clots and is beneficial to the digestive system.
Calcium, as you may know, is beneficial to bone health.
Custard apple is also good for your heart.
It is beneficial to the nervous and muscular systems.
Red blood cells contain iron.
It aids in the body’s ability to generate energy.

Custard apple contains magnesium, which aids with water balance.
Helps in the treatment of acid.
Custard Apple Phosphorus is beneficial for carbohydrate utilisation.
Bone formation
Important in Fat
Custard apple contains a significant amount of potassium.
Custard apple contains potassium, which can aid to fight with muscle weakness.
Custard apples are also high in potassium and magnesium, both of which help to protect our hearts against heart disease.
It also keeps our blood pressure in balance.
Custard apple contains zinc, which promotes healing.
It Promotes Digestion 

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