Good posture and a flexible spine are the cure of some defects and certainly a preventive of many. With the proper knowledge of the spine and its moments, the body can be trained to maintain its flexibility from early childhood until death.
All the benefits derived from the spinal movement cannot be explained in a single shot, but a careful study of the postures presented here will give an idea to what degree the human body can attain maximum flexibility of its spine and joints.
By Practice of the Yogic methods, we not only retain the flexibility of youth and eliminate the abnormal growth of mineral deposit in the bones, but to a greater degree we can also regain young life. The flexibility of the body further depends on the state of the blood vessels and the vertebral column. The gradual accumulation of end products such as lime in the arterial and venous valves, owing to the impurities in the blood. Gives rise to loss of flexibility in these parts. The rapid these deposits are accumulating; the quicker old age is upon us.
The Yoga manipulation of the spine can be divided broadly into four categories: forward bending, backward bending, sideways movement and twisting or the lateral movement of the spine.
Forward bending of the vertebrae can be classified into four categories:
Cervical forward bending
Thoracic forward bending
Lumbar forward bending
Sacral forward pending
Now let us go to different exercise of various portion of the spine.
Halasan (Plough Pose)
Variation 1
Lie flat on your back on the blanket. keep the hands, palms down, near the thighs. Without bending the legs, slowly raise the hips and the lumbar part of the back also and bring down the leg until the toes touch the floor, beyond the head. Keep the knees straight and close together. The legs and thighs must be in one straight line. Press the chin against the chest; this will bend the cervical region and increase the circulation to that part. Breathe slowly through the nose.
Remain in this pose as long as possible and go back to the original position lying flat. Repeat three to six times.

Variation 2
Lie down flat with the arms, palms up, over the head. Now slowly bring up the legs as in Variation 1 and touch the hands with the toes. This gives additional stretching to the lumbar and cervical regions of the spine

Variation 3
To come to this position, assume the original halasana position, then stretch the legs apart as far as possible keeping the hands firmly on the floor. This stretches the muscles of the legs.

Health benefits
- Weight Loss.
- reduce stress.
- Plough pose is beneficial for diabetic people. Those people should do this regularly.
- Improved digestion and appetite.
- Make the spinal cord strong and flexible.
- Strengthens the abdominal muscles.
- It balance the blood glucose level and stimulates the internal organs.
- Cures the symptoms of menopause for women.
- It stimulates the reproductive organs.
- Therapeutic for backache, headache, infertility, insomnia, sinusitis.