Matsyasana – Fish pose, is a reclining back-bending asana in hatha yoga and modern yoga.
Benefits of Matsyasana
Benefits of Matsyasana is removing the stiffness from the cervical, lumbar regions and shoulder muscles and increase the circulation do these affected parts, So, this yoga is invaluable. Moreover, this also strengthens the thyroid, parathyroid and also relieves the congestion and cramp of the shoulder muscles caused by the shoulder stand.
Exercise for the shoulder muscles and the cervical vertebrae
Owing to improper clothing, our bodily movement is generally restricted to a very limited area, especially the cervical region of the vertebrae and the shoulder muscles.
Garments supported by suspenders and shoulder straps pressing on the points of the shoulders tends to pull them downward and forward. It is a common deformity among students, together with other postural defects. It has been noted that the cut of most ready-made clothing causes pressure on the back of the neck and the tip of the shoulders constantly pulling them.
Moreover, neckties, tightly buttoned shirt collars, and poorly cut jackets restrict movements of the cervical region and stop the free flow of circulation to the upper portion of the body. On other hand, Woman’s tight foundation garments can cause considerable havoc with blood circulation, breathing, and moments of the sacral and lumbar region which can produce headache and weakness of the abdominal muscles.
How to do Matsyasana
For beginners
Lie on your back. Stretch the legs and keep the hands, palms down, under the thighs. Raise the chest with the help of the elbows and bending the neck as much as possible backward, rest on the top of the head.
For advanced students
spread a blanket on the ground and sit on it with the leg stretched. Bend the right leg and place the heel on the left hip joint. Again, bend the left leg and place the heel on the right hip joint. This is a padmasana or foot look. Then lie on the back.
The padmasana should not be raised from the floor. Rest the elbows on the floor. Now lift the trunk and head. Rest the top of the head on the floor by bending the back and neck well, Then catch hold of the toes this is Matsyasana. Remain in this asana for two or three minutes. Those individuals who have difficulty performing padmasana may do the first form of Matsyasana.
In this position, the chest is thrown open and so deep breathing through the nose should be practised. This helps to remove the spasm from bronchial tubes and then release asthma.

Sit in the Lotus pose, and then lie down facing the floor. Keep the hands folded in front of the head. Keep the thighs as flat as possible. This exercise is very helpful and strengthening the hip joints. Breathe deeply and retain this position for four to five minutes.